可下載Pixnet相簿 同時Flickr和無名相簿的下載開放測試
可自定新命名規則 替抓下來的照片重新命名
免安裝 下載即可用(須有Microsoft .NET Framwork 2.0)
- Mar 02 Mon 2009 01:48
[程式] 相簿下載器 AlbumReader 2 released
- Mar 01 Sun 2009 21:29
[日記] 火車旅行
It is about sunset now, and I'm on my way back to Taoyuan.
Now I'm using the iPod to write my article down.
So many people on the train.
Now I'm using the iPod to write my article down.
So many people on the train.
- Feb 27 Fri 2009 10:21
[日記] 信任度越高,管理就越少
温馨小站的部落格 - 信任度越高,管理就越少
This is an article I read yesterday. (It is in yahoo blog, which may not live ever after.)
Some incidents happened, and all of them were related to this.
This is an article I read yesterday. (It is in yahoo blog, which may not live ever after.)
Some incidents happened, and all of them were related to this.
- Feb 25 Wed 2009 20:53
[日記] 使用者介面
The hardest thing to the UI engineers: user friendly.
Most of the functions are not hard to implement.
(Basically, no too difficult technology for most cases.)
Most of the functions are not hard to implement.
(Basically, no too difficult technology for most cases.)