温馨小站的部落格 - 信任度越高,管理就越少
This is an article I read yesterday. (It is in yahoo blog, which may not live ever after.)
Some incidents happened, and all of them were related to this.
First I should mention that I read this from Plurk(噗浪).
Plurk is a twitter-like service, and you may call it micro-blog.
For simple words, Plurk and Twitter are powerful 碎碎念 of PIXNET.
Now I am using both of them. You know, I like to try new stuffs.
I won't suggest thing if I do not use them first.
And I can say, you can try them if you like.
Back to our story.
Recently 彎彎 plurk that she was considering about the VIP. (I said in last diary)
And many people asked her to change a BSP to PIXNET or Blogger.
Though I don't think she might not move to other BSPs.
But many people talked about that they move to PIXNET!
酪梨壽司 is one of the most famous bloggers that moved to Pixnet.
Most of bloggers leaving to other BSPs can not stand for their own old BSP.
(You know who I said, and I will not write the name.)
Of course, moving from one BSP to another takes a lot of efforts.
Some BSPs provide the moving tools to their users.
You will know if you had used them before.
When I moved to PIXNET, I still have some other BSP's accounts.
At first I posted articles in my old blog and the live space.
After some weeks, I left the links in live space that linked to my old blog.
Few months later, I did not update my live space.
2 years later, when I moved here, I posted few diaries that cloned the same pattern.
Now, I seldom looked back my old blog.
I can adapt myself to the new environment, in most cases.
When I moved here, the easy-use backstage administration interface attracted me.
So I hardly went back.
Then I notice something.
As I search for some programming issues, Google gives me the results.
Most of them are in Google Blogger or PIXNET if they are from some BSPs.
Sooner I understand, the programmers like to arrange their own blogs.
Who can do that?
Build your own websites, or use the custom templates provided by BSPs.
If some one constraint on your blog programming, will you use that any longer?
I don't think so.
Of course you will consider many things before you move one BSP to another.
It just like you want to change your GSM operators.
You can post the last article said you have moved to another space.
But the hyperlinks and the visit counter may stop your journey.
The domain name is the address to you.
So that may cost you lots of time if you still try to fix them.
You may lose some readers who never come.
I do not try to encourage you moving from one BSP to another.
Just said that may not be easy.
But still some paid their time moving their homes.
Must be some reasons, isn't it.
To me, I am a stupid engineer that don't know their future.
(What? I don't say something bad, such as the mother company will live any longer...)
One other story about the title.
A new rule was announced yesterday: curfew(宵禁)
Maybe this word "curfew" is too mean, but some of my colleagues describe that.
I like to work with my own schedule.
Most time I can finish my assignments before deadline.
If I can finish that before deadline, I should have some break time.
Maybe I will improve my work in a better solution.
Maybe I will get new ideas in my free time.
I shall have more time if I finish that asap, isn't it.
That's what I think, what I feel, and what I want to do.
I don't like to work overtime.
But if I have to, I will not complain.
I will say something if I was forced to do that.
And respect to someone's specialty.
I hate someone to change my codes without understanding them.
If you changed them, at least you should convince me why you do that.
Ask me to debug your mess?
I will, just because I am a responsible employee.
Too many complaints.
Back to work!
Today is Friday!
This weekend dolphin is going home~
Don't miss me too much!
I'll be back!!
- Feb 27 Fri 2009 10:21
[日記] 信任度越高,管理就越少