
The hardest thing to the UI engineers: user friendly.
Most of the functions are not hard to implement.
(Basically, no too difficult technology for most cases.)
Maybe multi-touch will be a tough challenge.
All ways lead to Rome.
Perhaps we need some tricks to do that.
Some features may be restricted by hardwares or else.
But users don't think so.
They just want to use that.
Who cares how much efforts you make except those engineers?
I don't think so.

I am a software engineer, too.
Most of my work is about software UI.
It is hard to imagine that how user will use it.
You have to try some limitations.
Something that engineers won't do.
Because human is the most dangerous of all animals!
(I learned that from the Zodiac)

Suddenly I would say that because I saw 彎彎's plunk.
She talked about the VIP service.
Many people surprised that she is not a VIP for life and she had to paid for the VIP service. = =
I don't like that management group for a period of time.
Looks to me that I move here for a year and a half.
And I bought the VIP service here.
Although I joined VIP with the activity 1 dollar VIP. ^^"
In fact before that time I did consider to buy that.
Just took the ride :p

I have a long time not to use that blog.
Casually I would login just for some particular reasons.
Maybe I leave some messages behind.
Or I need to access to some pages.
If you want me to suggest any blogs, I will choose PIXNET.

Actually I have used the PIXNET, Blogger, Vlog, Live Space, and Xuite.
I just removed the Live Space link from My Links.
Xuite I hardly got there, and Vlog is where I put my 勁舞團 videos.
Blogger is the programming note site for me.
Sometimes I want to ask my friends to move here.
Now only one was moved here, and she moved here because of the password incident.

An old saying "狡兔三窟".
I maybe for that reason to register so many blogs.
Since I am an engineer who plays with web pages, I hope to see more.
Some people need to change their minds.
Stay at certain place too long will ruin the creativity.
Maybe that is why I want to work here, far away from my home town.

I won't say my complaints about that blog, and don't except too much :p
I am an EX-user, and I have a long time not to use it.
So MAYBE I have no rights to judge them.
Besides, some 客服 may say I was spreading rumors.
Btw, my visitors are far far away that those in my old blog.
My friend told me I have some mystery readers! Thank you!

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