I doubt that the Wall Street banks and the car manufacturers do have a plan to follow.
Or they just try to struggle for any longer.
So hard to imagine that how can they survive for a long time.
- Feb 19 Thu 2009 00:38
[日記] 紓困案
- Feb 18 Wed 2009 14:33
[日記] 全能住宅改造王
Last night I was watching this program.
The production team will invite some experts to help some families redecorate their house.
The space in most houses in Japan is small and narrow.
- Feb 18 Wed 2009 14:25
[新聞] DisplaySearch 2008 Q3 NB品牌排名
資料來源:DisplaySearch: Strong Mini-Note (Netbook) Shipments Buoy Notebook PC Market in Q3’08
受惠於小筆電的出貨暢旺,撐起了08年下半年的筆電出貨量。依據DisplaySearch所作的市場調查品牌排名,也針對小筆電的部分作了單獨的排名。原本靠著EeePC打響名號的ASUS(華碩),在ACER(宏碁)主打的Aspire One攻勢下,讓出第一名的寶座。EeePC的熱賣,也讓各家國際大廠紛紛推出了自己的小筆電,同時Intel的Atom不再缺貨,讓下半年小筆電出貨量有機會繼續量增。
- Feb 16 Mon 2009 11:14
[日記] 2009台北燈節 牛轉乾坤迎豐年
天空陰陰的似乎會下雨 還有點要轉冷的跡象
更重要的是 今天是西洋情人節