目前分類:隨筆日記 (241)

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Some of my colleagues are moving out...
They're moving to their new office in the opposite building.
You may say a good opportunity to change, who knows.

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Today was the first time I went into the Quanta Hall (廣藝廳).
Professors from MIT had a keynote presentation there.
By the way, this MIT is the real MIT in US, not someone or something made in Taiwan.

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On Sunday I went to 西門町.
It was early when I was arrived.
First I rode to 民權西路 and took the MRT to 西門.

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I'm now on the train back to Taoyuan now.
Today is Saturday and I'm writing this in my seat.
Now the OS is Ubuntu.

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在高鐵正式通車營運兩年半左右後 好不容易終於豚來搭這第一次

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這幾天都不是睡得很好... 早早就醒來~
周遭景點包括鶯歌老街 三峽老街 不過有沒力氣逛再說!

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I had a bad dream last night.
But I don't talk about that...
All I can say is that is extended from this.

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An accident happened...
The network was failed of my room.
I don't know what happened, and hope it will be fine later.

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趁著周末風和日麗 適合出遊... 事實上太陽蠻大的~ 防曬油ready!
利用在五月底截止的藝遊博物館活動 捐發票省門票!
本周末的行程來到板橋的林本源園邸 也就是俗稱林家花園參觀

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Sometimes when you planned to go out, accidents come together.
Personally do not like that kind of feeling.
When someone or something interrupt you, the original feeling went gone.

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People always do stupid things.
Sometime even they can't explain themselves.

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I don't like purple that much.
To me it is not a quite friendly color.
There is one company uses this color in their logo.

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Every time on the train, I spent my time on some particular things.
Dozed away the first section of the trip.
Thought something for the rest or reading something.

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It spent me 2 days to update my M510C. = =+
Few days ago it had Ubuntu 7.10 updated 8.04 and Windows XP SP2 NCKU version.
Yes, a dual OS laptop.

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Now the whole world focus on this new disease.
Everyone is terrified.
Will it become another SARS storm?

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天矇矇亮就聽見雨聲... 一整個感覺不是很好
昨天還悶熱的要死 今天瞬間的鋒面過境氣溫驟降帶著水氣
其實大約20度出頭吧... 只是一直沒停的雨比較討厭

DolphinWing 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Tomorrow will be the 21st anniversary of my company.
Some of my friends and my mom will come, if the weather is fine.
Seems now it is fine, and hope last long enough.

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昨天晚上特地經過看一下開幕 整個大廳超熱鬧的!
從不太熟悉的南棟一樓出去 經過會議室
在餐廳其實看不太到 不曉得大廳這麼多人

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來自 聯合文學 2009 4月號 第294期 封面故事 專輯 府城靜好──時間藏不住的台南
葉怡蘭 自成一格的台南人 (上) (下)

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Once again the race was interrupted by the rain.
This time was in Qutar, a night race of MotoGP.
Just before the start, it rained.

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