I had a bad dream last night.
But I don't talk about that...
All I can say is that is extended from this.
So, what is that all about.

You may said I thought too much.
Nothing will never happen, but something do.
Most time I will imagine the best case and the worst case.
Put it into the simulation.
What on earth will that go to an end?
No one knows.

We like to pretend that the Princess and Charming will be happy ever after.
In the real world that's not most cases do.
At college class the teacher told us entropy in 熱力學.
Most of us don't know what is the real definition of entropy, and we gave it a new meaning for easier understanding.
Things will be in more and more chaos!
That's all we got in that class.

In the movie "The 11th Hour" we learned, the earth will recover itself, eventually.
Human never learn something from the history, the the history repeats.
By the time the earth came back alive, no grantee human beings still live.

Sometime I will try to express my saying in English.
I always think what if I try to say this, how to speak in English.
For example, yesterday I was reading the book.
I will imagine the dialogs between the characters.
What exact words they used in this dialog?
Hope that will be helpful in future daily use.

Just heard 『這是愛嗎』Perhaps Love (中文版)
A little strange = =+
I am used to hear the original Korean version.


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