Last Saturday was my first overtime work for the project.
I've never been to overtime work at holiday.
That was a different experience from work day.
目前分類:隨筆日記 (241)
- Jun 30 Mon 2008 12:50
[日記] overtime work
- Jun 24 Tue 2008 08:52
[日記] 34C up
What a title! You all may think.
Anyone get the correct answer before I say, ask me for the gift.
Are you ready?
- Jun 20 Fri 2008 08:37
[日記] down week
I have to admit that this is not my week, since last weekend.
Rained when not expected, and no rain when I wore the raincoat.
Maybe I should pray.
- Jun 16 Mon 2008 09:05
[日記] Google Developer Day 2008
At the begining I did not plan to participate.
But I think I may have to try once, maybe I can see something special so I signed up.
That's why I came to Taipei today, and I think that's a good time to understand google more. ^^
- Jun 09 Mon 2008 16:27
[日記] humble man
We may remember an article "General MacArthur's Prayer For His Son".
In my though we read that in high school.
One important idea is that we should be humble in victory.
- Jun 06 Fri 2008 09:30
[日記] 工程人的幻想與浪漫
對於 聰明機靈的雙子座 來說,不論和 嚮往和平主義的天秤座 一起共譜戀曲,或是選擇和 浪漫柔情的水瓶座 來場浪漫的相遇,相信都可展現你最迷人的一面。
嘖嘖~ 那是Yahoo!奇摩會員信裡的內容!
- May 29 Thu 2008 23:07
[日記] it's been a while
The weather report said it would rain these days.
Anyone saw?
- May 14 Wed 2008 23:16
[日記] earthquake 512
It's May 14, almost 2 days after the horrible earthquake in China.
Change the channel to the news one, and you're see how horrible that is.
We can understand the shock of the quake.
- May 09 Fri 2008 00:33
[日記] 4 months after, 1 month before
So soon I've been working for almost 4 months.
Past days I spent much time learning the embedded system.
In these days I faced many challenges and frustrations.
- May 06 Tue 2008 23:11
[日記] plum rain season
- Apr 28 Mon 2008 08:51
[日記] 廣達電腦20周年廠慶園遊會
公司很近 所以可以偷偷賴床沒關係=ˇ=
第一年參加廠慶就遇到20周年 可以算是運氣不錯吧
早晨的天氣不錯 如果沒太陽就更好了~
- Apr 25 Fri 2008 00:04
[日記] when the phone rings
If I the call came from 06208, that must be no good things.
Why say so? I got one last night.
- Apr 15 Tue 2008 11:22
[日記] lazy move
Waiting a new article of mine seems to be a long trip.
You never except when I will post a new one.
That's why the RSS and ATOM comes.
- Apr 07 Mon 2008 18:03
[日記] HP Pavilion dv3007
一直到今天看到Taiwan CNET的評測報告 才想到應該來記錄一下
話說豚豚還有拍開箱照的說! 怎麼可以就丟著勒~
- Apr 05 Sat 2008 09:34
[命理] 婚後你的命會變好或變壞
- Apr 01 Tue 2008 12:33
[日記] raining, on the way to work
In New York it is raining, and some people must get up earlier tomorrow.
Today I woke up at 8:06AM.
Maybe the weather is too good to sleep.
- Mar 30 Sun 2008 11:26
[日記] 春季敗家展
幸好昨天就去逛了 不然看看外頭正在下雨
真不曉得該如何出門= =+ 不過等會要出門去吃飯
真是麻煩壓 不能在家裡自己煮:3
- Mar 28 Fri 2008 08:36
[日記] learning is not so easy!
I think I have fewer vocabulary than before.
For the most of the time we don't have the chance to speak.
- Mar 23 Sun 2008 23:52
[日記] 創新與創意
不管是美術人員 廣告人員 或是文宣部人員 需要發揮極大的創意
前幾天剛落幕的選舉 好不容易電視上不會再出現每天的疲勞轟炸
- Mar 19 Wed 2008 17:49
[生活] 讓我們好好的投
太多太多的口水橫飛 一整個難過