
對於 聰明機靈的雙子座 來說,不論和 嚮往和平主義的天秤座 一起共譜戀曲,或是選擇和 浪漫柔情的水瓶座 來場浪漫的相遇,相信都可展現你最迷人的一面。

嘖嘖~ 那是Yahoo!奇摩會員信裡的內容!

文章標題是豚弟的暱稱 很貼切 用來形容鋼鐵人!
如果是作機器人或是造飛機的工程師 應該也會想要做吧=ˇ=
「Maybe next time.」
對我來說 也是maybe next time

說真的 鋼鐵人還不錯看 第一次拿免費電影票去看電影
我手上還有很多張 還可以看好幾部看不完~
要刺激消費最好的方式就是發禮卷下來 上頭建議有期限
如同園遊卷和電影票 在時間內建議用完 不然可惜了!

這個月收入比較豐富 有端午節 有生日禮金
前幾天看到一本書叫「我在雨中等你」(The Art of Racing in the Rain)
找時間去買回來看 引起我興趣的原因是因為看到推薦人!

也不是懶惰 只是好久沒寫 用中文趕點進度:p

聽說南部下了好幾天的雨 鋒面好像要北移了
我要回去避雨=ˇ= 據說到處淹水 像颱風一樣
有人要"黑貓宅急便" 可是像失聯一樣= =+

下星期同事要請假 要換手上場DEMO
前幾天聽說DEMO給大老闆看 他覺得還不錯
我沒有壓力! 我沒有壓力!

Honestly , "Iron Man" is a good movie.
And it is the first time we use the free tickets.
I still have some. Maybe I could sell some. :p

In this month we get more income than before.
The bonus for the Dragon Boat Festival and the birthday gift.
Last Saturday I saw a novel named "The Art of Racing in the Rain" in the Eslite bookstore.
I was attracted by it because of the referees.
Few books will be prefaced by GP anchor Robin and race driver Hans.
That indeed attracts me a lot.
Besides, I have much time at train traveling.

It is said the it rained cats and dogs in South Taiwan.
Someone said that was similar to the typhoon days.
The weather forecast says the front will come to the North Taiwan in the weekend.
Only do I hope not to rain while my time in Tainan.
Btw, someone asked me to do her a favor(actually two favors), and she's missing.
We should get used to that for a long time because it happens all the time.

Next week Taita ask for a 2-days leave to Bangkok for 4-days trip.
I was assigned to demo next Tuesday.
Since we have demostrated this Wednesday to the President.
That will be easy I think.
No pressure! No pressure!

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