People always do stupid things.
Sometime even they can't explain themselves.
"People do stupid things in foreign countries."
I heard this in the movie "You've Got Mail".
You just feel it so right even not in foreign countries.
So why exactly people would do these?
Maybe it is just because people are still animals.

Last Saturday I went to watch the movie "X-Men Origins: Wolverine".
Inside ourselves we still are animals, aren't we?
By the way, I went alone. No gossip!
Actually I was a little, really just a little disappointed.
Some scenes are really exciting!
I may be too greedy.
People said it describe who Wolverine is and what happened to him.
Yes, it told us the reason he got the claws and why he lost his memory.
As a action movie, it did not have so much action scenes as I thought.
In some scenes, I even didn't know when the character standing there.= =
Seems they were standing there in an instant.
I didn't mean he or she should not be there.
I just thought they moved too fast from last scene to this one.
Perhaps I miss something?
But I will watch it again if on television!
Maybe it will help me to understand the above questions.

Next time I planned to watch "Terminator Salvation" at the end of May.
Yeah, the ticket's deadline.
But I only got one free ticket left.
I think I still will go to the Breeze Center.

I hope to give a graduation present to my brother.
On Saturday I took a walk in the Breeze Center before the movie started.
No ideas now.

The history told us one truth: the history repeats itself.
Humans are killing themselves gradually.
Like a frog in the water.
So, I think we should not go to Taipei on 5/17.
Better staying at home.

Oh, it's the tax season.
I don't pay the tax until now.
Maybe I should send a notice to myself in case I forget.

Last week I got raised!
A good sign...
My colleagues got promotions.
I was wondering what will I do if some new-come colleagues got promotion before me.
Plausible incident...
Asking a short leave at some moment may be a good choice!
You know the moment I said...
I don't want to talk more.

Just read this from Twitter.
It retwits many times and actually was from Plurk.
有人問: 什麼叫動心 什麼算喜歡 什麼算愛阿。
我回: 想撲倒叫動心,除了撲倒還想關心對方叫喜歡,沒得撲倒的時候也很關心對方叫愛。

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