I'm now on the train back to Taoyuan now.
Today is Saturday and I'm writing this in my seat.
Now the OS is Ubuntu.
Although I felt this system is a little strange!
Maybe I can reinstall it later this week.

Just passed Taichung, arrived @ 豐原.
Two women asked if my neighbor and me were sat in the wrong seats.
We took this from Tainan, so it shouldn't be mistoken.
They shown their tickets, and they are for the next train.
Sooner they tried to ran off the train but I think they may miss that.

What would you do if you miss your train?
I will take the next one.
But what if you get on the earlier one?
I don't know, maybe catch up at the next stop!

I can't sleep well on this train since I got up this train.
Still don't know why.
Perhaps the atmosphere. or the inner decoration.
Or maybe the one standing behind me...
He held the 手把 of my chair.
I don't like that anyone tries to know what I'm doing.
In simple words, my privacy.
Just try to protect myself!

列車長 just check the ticket!

Guessing how long the battery can hold?
Ubuntu told me it can still run for 2 hours.
It can be used for much longer time I think.
Now it's about 77.5%, about 1 hour and 55 minutes.

Not like to read or write something on a moving vehicle.
Right, you got it!
One more hour to jongli...

This week I changed my backpack to a small one.
But it still carried so many thing in.
Most of them can be eaten :p
Every time I went back to Tainan, I will bring more things back.
Because they cares.

I tried Skype Out this morning.
The disadvantage of using this is that I must turn on my laptop.
You should buy a Skype phone, some said.
Maybe I will.
I still got 700 消費券 :p

Still lack of English words...

Tunnels! We are now heading to Miaoli now
Oh, not heading, we're arrived.
2 more stops!

高鐵 is faster indeed. (Of course, it costs more)
But I spent more time on the way on the buses.
Maybe I should not take the buses?
Which means I need to spend more money!
Maybe 台鐵 is good enough to me...

Planned to go to the movies tomorrow.
Terminator: Salvation is heard quite great!
Not responsible if you do not like the movie.
At the end of next month, Transformer 2 is coming up.

I'm considering to earn the driving licence.
Simple to earn, you just pay the money to driving classes to learn.
I may keep saying and thinking for a time.
Like I'm saying to visit the dentist. = ="
I went on Monday, since my last tooth screaming for help XD

It is noisy! The noises is from the backward section.
I hates that...
Turn the music up?
I hope I can still hear something without assissant in elder ages. = ="
Oh... I need some rest.
I think it's close to Hsinchu now...


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