Now the whole world focus on this new disease.
Everyone is terrified.
Will it become another SARS storm?
Maybe will, maybe not...

It is so sad to see the index turns green.
But it is a cycle.
Last month you saw it keep growing, and now you must face the truth.
Nobody wins forever.
I have not updated my report for few days.
Knows nothing will live better!

Sometime I felt something to write, to say, but always forgot.
Certainly I realized that I'm going to have my 26th birthday.
Few days ago I found my health report last year.
What a shame! You need to do more exercise...

I read few books recently.
In these few weeks it seems to be a quite different life.
I miss a lot of things...
Days in Tainan, foods in Tainan, you.
Not the first day I think so.
You felt like living in a shadow, but you can't see.
Just felt it, no border, endless.

Last weekend I rode between the train station and my room several times.
I like the feeling and that's one of my favorite things.
I'm always wondering to drive a car in the same road.
Maybe I should go farther.
Maybe I should put down those things here.
To live on a different day in a different place...

The tax season is coming...
So many works to do...

I don't have good temper these days.
Maybe I lost something somewhere...

This Friday is the Labor's Day so I planned to go home at Thursday evening.
It is a longer weekend.
Hope to feel better at home.

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