Several days not saw the sun.
A little rain in the night, humid in the room.
I opened the window this morning.
Hoping it will be warmer tonight.
The weather prediction said that tomorrow the temperature will drop.
Still need we to wear winter clothes.

Today is a special day!
植樹節, 國父逝世紀念日.
Some of my colleagues celebrated their 2-year anniversary.
One colleague be a mother yesterday, and she just called us.
Another said she passed the 日文一級檢定.
Oh! Busy, busy, busy!

It's Thursday today, which means we have one more day and the weekend will come.

I don't like wide screen quite much.
But most laptops and the LCD panels on the market are or with wide screens.
One more thing, now they try to update their product lines to 16:9, not 16:10.
I forgot that someone told me that 16:9 is quite uncomfortable.
I hope to have a screen with more height, not width.
The sunshine reflects to my eyes.
Shining panels, good. = =

I saw the news that some banks try to charge for some accounts that use less.
There is no free lunch.
The interest rate is going down, so they can not earn money from the interest rate difference.
It was inevitable if the interest rate keeps dropping.
Also you may possible think that: you pay to them to hold your money, like safety box.
To me? I don't have so much money to hire someone watching my money.

The tax season is coming.
Don't know how much taxes I should pay.
The topic "迷你筆電殺出 電腦價格戰難休" tells many things.
We can impossible gain more profits by only hardwares.
Writing softwares can not get money.
Bind well-implemented and user-friendly softwares with cheaper hardware may win the market.

I talked about buying the softwares with my friends some days before.
We both agreed that we would not pay much on the softwares.
I am a software engineer, and my friend sells softwares.
That gave a question: who pay the salary to us?
I write the applications for embedded systems. That's why they pay my salary.
That's a better way the software engineers survive.
Be the essential part, not a useless part of a machine.

What am i talking?
I have no ideas, either...
Timeout! Timeout!

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