At the beginning of this week, I was writing some functions about weather.
I think the coming up may be the world time, which has the similar features.
Some of you may not know, the weather can be classified to more than a hundred kinds.
You can read here.
To map them to the given icons took me so much time...
So I am reading something different.

The daylight saving time is starting again.
It is March now, and it starts from the second Sunday of March in US.
We need to get used to that. Or maybe just me...

I forgot to take photos for my recipes.
My friend told me that I better have some photos.
Also I read some good shares from other blogs, they have photos.
Although I don't have nice digital camera, I will try my 5300 next time.
The next shared recipes would be 煎餅 & 麻油麵線 I think.

I think my computer has a very big problem, or maybe not just one.
Today it rebooted twice.
A familiar blue and white screen shown before reboot.
Actually the problem came for a least a month.
Sometimes it was just fine, only couple days would go error.
I don't know, and maybe I don't wanna know.
MIS said we can change our laptops after 4 years.
I wonder if it can make it.

I have a long time not use the desktops.
Good or bad?
My Firefox takes so many memories.
I guess it is because of Plurk.
Hope Google Chrome release as fast as possible.

Not quite like to shutdown the working computer.
Did any one can provide researches about the effects to the hardwares when shutting down computers?
I just want to know if anyone studied that before.

Seems no rain, and I need to pay my credit card bill today!

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