What is 潛力客戶?
Not a very good term to me.
Because always the phone rings, there comes something bothers you.
That is why I set my ring tone as Trouble.

This weekend I went to a lot of place.
Suddenly I understood that I need to do more exercise.
I still feel so tired now, that means I need more vigor.
The 3 months in the military was good to me, and the physical training there was great!
But the hardest thing is to continue = =+
Hmmm, that is really quite hard!!

Another typhoon is coming, but no too much threat to us.
I can not remember what's the name of last typhoon, although it gave us a special holiday.
Unlike last typhoon, this one runs so fast.
Don't worry, we will forget you very soon = =

What time is it?
Back to work! You need to concentrate now!

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