

Someone asked me how to write a short story about how to relax.
(The 'someone' you don't have to admit who you are :p)
The topic I selected may be familiar to people often came here.
Why? Because I just went to the seashore about a week ago.
And I came for the same reason. ^^"

Actually I am not good at writing, and I did not get good grades at exams.
Because I can not move the cursor back and erase some sentences I do not satisfy.
But on the computer we can do that.

My research in my master degree was about the analysis of the sentences and rating.
So I'm interested in the sentence processing~
I made another string parsing about TV guide last Friday.
That seems to me a simple effort to do that = =". A HTML source code hacker.

The rose on my desk is withered, and that means 七夕 and the Father's Day were passed.
This Friday is 中元普渡. We Chinese people have many traditions.
Some of them are good, but some are not.
I will come back to Tainan this weekend, and I miss a lot of things and people.

I like to talking face to face, especially to my family and my friends.
Most important, if someone wants to talk to me deeply, they need to be my friends.
Do not expect everyone are my friends, I'm very shy :3
So if I can talk to you for a long time, congratulations, you are really my friends. ^^y
(that means, don't pretend you know me a lot when we are not really know each other = =)

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