I don't know what other people do think, but we Taiwan people should learn to see farther and further, not just look at your toes.
We used to call the people gathered in ptt "鄉民", but we have more 愚民 in the society.
Why I say so? The new oil price and the incident about 消基會 to Microsoft make me feel that you all like fools.

I still remember the first time we use the floating oil price.
At that time the oil price is changed every week.
After couple weeks, the higher and higher price makes people complain about the floating mechanism.
So, it has been modified to change every month.
Now, since the oil price dropped in these days, we people expect to have lower oil price?
I'm sorry, since the average oil price of the upper month is too high, according to the price formula, the oil price next month will rise a little.
So what happen? People complained about the mechanism again.
Stupid, really stupid.

Microsoft has announced to stop selling the Windows XP, that we all know.
Our 消基會 asked the Taiwan Microsoft to sell the Windows XP again.
I don't think that Windows Vista is so bad.
Not everyone should update their Windows on their old computers.
If you buy a new PC or NB, the new hardware should be fine with the Windows Vista.
I changed my NB in March, as you all know, and I don't think Vista is so hard to use.
Maybe I learn very quick and I often try new stuffs.
So I'm used to work with this new operating system, even I still install XP as dual system.
I should be honest that the new hardware is not so ok with XP, maybe it is because there are no enough drivers for all hardwares.
But they did not see the question.
You can choose not to use Windows and use some other OS like Mac, Ubuntu, Fedora, and so on.
Microsoft does not want to supply XP, and you can choose not to buy them.
Try some other system. The computer can live with Windows if you use other OS.
(Not Mac actually, Apple sell their OS with their hardware)

If you try some other system, and if you're not a programmer or computer player, you will know that Windows make the computer much easier to use.
You may not like this company, but they did do a great job, to make the computer experience better.
You can do everything by clicking the icons.

Alright, I know you can list the bads they have, and I do know them very much.
I just try to say, not to see what you need and what is good now only.
Try to think what is good for the future.
Floating oil price is good, and we can not keep complaining about the rising or dropping prices.
Windows Vista is not so bad as you think, why not give it a chance, or give other non-MS OS a chance.

I'm not going to argue this article content with any of you.
It is just a complaining of my own.
That's all I have to say. I'm done, and feel better now.
btw, I do not think too much, so it may contains many errors above, plz ignore them :p

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