
PC2.0時代,則是藉由3D IC半導體整合技術促成的體積極度微型化、超低功耗、超高整合度、但維持既有效能的x86運算裝置。在PC2.0架構下,少數無法整合之I/O裝置可藉由無線寬頻技術取代傳統資料匯流排,除了可大幅降低PC的體積外,並可將微型化的主機嵌入到任何需要智慧化的物件中,例如家電、消費性電子、汽車、牆面等。

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It's May 14, almost 2 days after the horrible earthquake in China.
Change the channel to the news one, and you're see how horrible that is.
We can understand the shock of the quake.

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So soon I've been working for almost 4 months.
Past days I spent much time learning the embedded system.
In these days I faced many challenges and frustrations.

DolphinWing 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I just know how to say 梅雨季 in English, so don't ask me too much.
It is now the plum rain season's coming, and it gets wet again.
For some days' dry and warm, it becomes wet and cool.

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