Is that good if you have no plan for the holidays?
To me that is boring... Staying at home doing nothing.
Or Watching TV? No good movies or shows sometimes.
- Sep 07 Sun 2008 09:50
[日記] no plan
- Sep 01 Mon 2008 21:31
[影片] Mythbuster @ NVISION08:CPU 和 GPU 的不同
傑米和亞當(就是流言終結者的那兩個)應 Nvidia 的邀請,做了一個簡單的漆彈範例,解釋如果將繪圖的工作交給 CPU 或 GPU 處理,究竟差別在哪裡。
- Aug 29 Fri 2008 17:53
[分享] 愛情恰恰(中英對照版)
- Aug 29 Fri 2008 11:08
[日記] 樹多必有枯枝
Some may see the title in my murmur some days before.
Why do I give such a title?
I do not know why either :p