An accident happened...
The network was failed of my room.
I don't know what happened, and hope it will be fine later.

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趁著周末風和日麗 適合出遊... 事實上太陽蠻大的~ 防曬油ready!
利用在五月底截止的藝遊博物館活動 捐發票省門票!
本周末的行程來到板橋的林本源園邸 也就是俗稱林家花園參觀

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Hsuehshan Tunnel - Wikipedia

DolphinWing 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Sometimes when you planned to go out, accidents come together.
Personally do not like that kind of feeling.
When someone or something interrupt you, the original feeling went gone.

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