剛看到學弟分享一篇文章 看過之後果然很值得分享!
Inside 邁向偉大的航道!尋找卓越的程式設計師
底下順便筆記一下 文中提到的幾個應該知道的東西

SOLID (object-oriented design)
The principles of SOLID are guidelines that can be applied while working on software to remove code smells by causing the programmer to refactor the software's source code until it is both legible and extensible.

KISS principle
The KISS principle states that simplicity should be a key goal in design, and that unnecessary complexity should be avoided.

Don't repeat yourself
The DRY principle is stated as "Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system."

Programming language
Functional programming
Procedural programming
Object-oriented programming

看了半天才大概看懂Functional programming的coding style想要表達的東西~
基本上是說functional的會將每個函式的功能做到最簡化 用recursive的方式呼叫
浪費記憶體 降低程式執行效率 但是函式內容單純
相較於imperative的 則會使用迴圈方式解決一切問題

而procedural的和functional會很類似 但可能在其中可能多了一些判斷和控制

希望我的理解沒有甚麼錯誤 哈!

2011-03-25 補上

Existential Type Abstract types are existential types.
Teaching FP to freshmen
Object-oriented programming is eliminated entirely from the introductory curriculum, because it is both anti-modular and anti-parallel by its very nature, and hence unsuitable for a modern CS curriculum. A proposed new course on object-oriented design methodology will be offered at the sophomore level for those students who wish to study this topic.

What is a functional language?

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