聽說敝部門又要換辦公室... 換來這個位置還不到一年的
所有的東西得再重新調整一次 該說是一開始沒考慮好呢
反正每件事情只要扯到政治 就會無限放大沒完沒了
我們這種小小工程師 還是不要牽涉到這種太複雜的問題...!

距離上次發文章已經超過一個月了吧 而且還都是教召的文章
印象一直很深刻 之前看到一篇文章說
仔細去聽聽大家在聊天~ 好像真的不太會超過這些話題
感覺工程師應該還會聊股市 有次去參加研討會
中間休息時間 看大家都在查今天股票是漲還是跌XD

說好要寫考績表! 還是先來處理一下好了~ 不然又忘記
今年的年中紅利聽說大部分的人都還滿意 沒有聽到太多抱怨
事先查過了餅的大小 所以大概可以猜的到
應該在等個五年 我們就可以跟其他公司差不多同樣時間領到錢了

The second half of 2012 is a busy one. Beyond the old UI2 project, we have more customers than the first half. We also need to get familiar with the nVivia/Tegra platform and the challenges from Microsoft/Windows8. The raising HTML may also stand in the future few years. To keep up with the technologies, we need to prepare ourselves on the new era of changes. Not only the touch UX will be the star, but with voice commands.
For the new era, our team adds some new members for the future. It is quite difficult to lead a group and make my own progress myself. One moment you need to help the new college to handle this task. A moment later you need to discuss with the Project team/PM/Customer about the supporting issue with the devices. The “Context Switch” among them make people exhausted. No wonder they said you will never find a good balance between life and work.
What do I expect to the next year? I don’t know. To have more time on my favorite App working? Maybe I just need someone that I can trust and share some responsibility. Or I’m just to lonely.

結果臨時又被叫去聽廠商present... gg

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