目前分類:隨筆日記 (241)

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I doubt that the Wall Street banks and the car manufacturers do have a plan to follow.
Or they just try to struggle for any longer.
So hard to imagine that how can they survive for a long time.

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Last night I was watching this program.
The production team will invite some experts to help some families redecorate their house.
The space in most houses in Japan is small and narrow.

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天空陰陰的似乎會下雨 還有點要轉冷的跡象
更重要的是 今天是西洋情人節

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I'm now using Ubuntu at home.
Thursday I freed the unused hard drive space of my 3007.
Now it is the third operating system on my computer.

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這個周末 看天氣預報還不錯 打算出門去走走~
元宵節快到了 剛好看到新聞有整理今年元宵活動
看了看時間 桃園燈會在多功能藝文特區舉辦

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A long vacation just passed...
Did all I want to do? Not exactly!
But something I did do, like yesterday.

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Wow~ That's a long time I did not post any new articles.
It is Chinese Lunar New Year now, and a totally relax time.
But as usual, I have no much time surfing on the Internet.

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很快的進公司滿一年了 去年的旺年會 辦在豚報到的前一天
所以 工號很好記=_= (充滿怨恨!?)
今年豚可是具備資格囉!! 肯定資格符合的!!

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Today is the day I joined the big family last year.
So fast a year went gone.
This Friday, I'm going to participate the 2nd time 旺年會.

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Any new ideas for the new year?
I don't know.
Hope I can do what I try to do until reaching the goal.

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This week I did not go very far to somewhere.
Only take the train tickets home.
And had a talk with Fadis for few hours in Taoyuan.

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聽說餐廳人很多~ 我想應該不適合遲到吧!

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It is very brave to make a great decision.
A part of mine can feel that.
In my life I also made some big choices ever.

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Last night we had a blackout. Some engineering issues.
People now live on the electricity, machines and many modern technologies.
Hardly can imagine that people go back to the stone age.

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Last Friday we had the dinner in 欣葉101, 85F, Taipei 101.
I don't like to take the bus or cars quite much since my car sick.
Thanks for Ryan, he drove me there.

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The game TypeRacer is quite educative.
It can help you practice English typing and reading English articles or songs.
To me that is a good learning zone, helping me to write better articles in English.

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豚弟說也有要報告 所以這個周末我就跟豚弟去了淡水
反正周末也沒甚麼事情 可以順道在淡水玩玩!

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People said that "Show me the money!!!"
Now it is happy to have work to do, and no holidays is a good thing.
A sudden holiday will come at 2009/01/02.

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What a surprise! Not so cold as expected, actually.
Maybe we expected that would be colder so we felt that not as worse as excepted!
To me a good news, because I will go to Tainan tonight.

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I have few days not talking a lot...
Even in the office, still not talk much.
Why? Maybe a little relation to catching the cold.

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